University of Toronto Scarborough Campus entrance retrofit

IMG_7459As the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus continues to grow and update its campus they strive to minimize the impact on the environment.  One objective with each new development is to manage stormwater runoff.  A recent example of this effort is the bioretention areas constructed by the bus loop on the north end of the campus constructed in 2012.  The retrofit of the parking area into new entrances include passenger drops-offs and a bus terminal which were added to improve access to the campus.  Previously stormwater was captured by typical catchbasins and conveyed through the sewer system into Highland Creek, or directed along the surface to a wooded parkland.  After the retrofit stormwater will be managed through temporary storage, infiltration, evapotranspiration and conveyance via pipe network including perforated drains.  The retrofit will add more natural and sustainable features on campus to help beautify and passively promote green initiatives over conventional options while improving the quality and reducing the volume of runoff discharging to the Rouge River

Sustainability is promoted throughout the campus, seen as a central operating principle similar to accessibility and equity.  They have several sustainable initiatives that are part of everyday campus life including Smart Commute Scarborough, Bike Share and an on campus vegetable and herb garden.  Additionally there are existing LID technologies spread through the campus including multiple green roofs and solar panels on the roof of the Instructional Center building which became the first renewable energy source at UTSC.  As well currently under construction is a new building which aims to achieve LEED Gold.

Case study




1293 Military Trl., Scarborough