Creekside Crossing Commercial Centre
The Fieldgate site is a commercial centre situated in a heavily developed area, it is on the south side of Dundas Street and drains to the East to Little Etobicoke Creek. The change in land use significantly increased the amount of developed area which influencing the water quality in Etobicoke Creek.
To offset the effect of development several Low Impact Development (LID) practices were constructed on site. The usual water balance objective during development is to retain 5 mm of runoff however due to rehabilitation work the floodplain the objective was raised to 10 mm. The LIDs which include bioretention areas, soakaways/infiltration galleries, and permeable pavement are used to achieve the water balance through attenuation/infiltration and evapotranspiration and were optimized specifically for the site environment. The majority of the runoff that is not maintained on site will discharge through the sewer to Little Etobicoke Creek. Smaller portions will flow to Dundas Street, or a ditch boarding the site on the Canadian Pacific side which in turn will drain to Little Etobicoke Creek.
1500 Dundas St. E., Mississauga