Terra Cotta Conservation Area Rain Garden
This 1 year study initiated in 2013 at the Terra Cotta Conservation Area in Halton Hills evaluated the effectiveness of a rain garden located next to the Visitors Welcome Centre. Constructed in 2011 it is similar to what would typically be constructed on a residential property. The site is one of the most active parks in CVC’s conservation areas system and receives lots of visitors.
The Terra Cotta Conservation Area site is also grouped with 7 other Public Lands sites for a larger monitoring program. The sites were grouped together because they are all classified as bioretention features and are located on the same land-use type, but each site was designed and implemented differently making them individually unique. The objectives of this report are to analyze the meteorological conditions and water quantity data of the eight Public Lands sites.
Full Report
14452 Winston Churchill Blvd., Terra Cotta