Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Program- Rexdale

In fall of 2020 a new Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Program (SNAP) was initiated  in the Rexdale Neighbourhood.

Some priorities that brought the SNAP program to Rexdale include: the area is a City of Toronto Neighbourhood Improvement Area (NIA), which has a vulnerable population facing food insecurity, concentrated poverty and acts of violence. The area has a low tree canopy, areas of heat stress, flooding and valley erosion. It is a high priority area to install low impact development features, and has energy conservation opportunities.

TRCA is currently working collaboratively with many local groups, and has undertaken robust public engagement, to develop a SNAP and a Neighbourhood-based resiliency strategy that responds to technical objectives and community priorities. These will result in measurable environmental objectives including sustainable stormwater management and flood prevention, enhancement of the urban forest, energy and water conservation and waste management. It will also achieve socio-economic objectives that can range from healthy living to job skills training to community connections and civic pride.

Rexdale SNAP website


Kipling Ave, Toronto