IMAX Low Impact Development Infrastructure Performance and Risk Assessment

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This 3 year study initiated in 2013 at IMAX corporate office in Mississauga evaluates how a site with multiple Low Impact Development (LID) practices treats and manages stormwater runoff.  In 2012 construction included parking lot expansion and areas retrofitted with permeable pavements and bioretention cells with enhanced water filtration components.  The LID features that are utilized at the site promote infiltration, retention and the slow release of treated stormwater.

The parking lot surface is a combination of traditional asphalt and permeable pavement. The permeable pavement section is divided into three catchments with differing subsurface conditions. The asphalt runoff drains to one of three vegetated bioretention units.  Three side-by-side bioretention systems were integrated into the design, including one with pre-treatment and one with posttreatment, as well as a standalone unit, to demonstrate the unique attributes of each and evaluate potential advantages of in-series design.

Full report       │       Case Study       │       Project Fact Sheet


2525 Speakman Dr, Mississauga