Hydrologic Assessment of Honda Campus’ Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Strategy

HONDA PROMOTIONAL PHOTOThis 2 year study initiated in 2012 at the 17.9 hectare Honda Canada campus in Markham evaluates the hydrologic effectiveness of low impact development (LID) practices applied across site.   The stormwater management strategy incorporates a large underground rainwater cistern that stores roof drainage for grounds irrigation.  Permeable pavements, drainage swales and an extensive network of biofilters are also used to treat runoff from roads and parking lots.  Findings from the site were compared with modelled scenarios for a period of 8 months.

The Low Impact Development features on site include rainwater harvesting, permeable pavement, vegetated swales and an extensive system of biofilters that drain a 1000 car parking lot and other paved surfaces within the development.  The LEED Gold certified building and site reflect Honda’s vision for sustainability and a clean, minimalist aesthetic.

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Honda Blvd., Markham