Elm Drive Low Impact Development Infrastructure Performance and Risk Assessment
This 4 year study initiated in 2011 evaluates a combination of permeable pavement parking lay-bys followed by a series of linear bioretention systems to reduce runoff volume and remove pollutants before discharge to the municipal storm sewer. The Elm Drive demonstration site is a green street pilot project that showcases innovative stormwater technologies.
This performance data suggests that widespread adoption of LID would yield significant benefits to receiving streams as well as the Great Lakes. Results from Elm Drive and other similar performance studies, will provide municipalities with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions on the role of green infrastructure for stormwater management.
Full Report │ Case Study │ Project Fact Sheet
The Elm Drive site is also grouped with 7 other Public Lands sites for a larger monitoring program. The sites were grouped together because they are all classified as bioretention features and are located on the same land-use type, but each site was designed and implemented differently making them individually unique. The objectives of this report are to analyze the meteorological conditions and water quantity data of the eight Public Lands sites.
100 Elm Dr, Mississauga