CVC Head Office Low Impact Development Infrastructure Performance and Risk Assessment

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This 1 year study initiated in 2014 evaluates the effectiveness of the Low Impact Development (LID) features at the Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) head office.  From 2009 to 2012, CVC undertook renovations to their head office location.

CVC’s Head Office includes two permeable parking lots and a rainwater harvesting system, and demonstrates the type of LID that can be installed at a typical office building. The LID practices at CVC’s Head Office treat stormwater runoff, promote infiltration and retention, and slow the release of stormwater runoff. In addition, the rainwater harvesting system allows rainwater to be retained and used as a non-potable water source instead using treated water.

Full Report       │       Case Study       │       Project Fact Sheet




1255 old Derry Rd. Mississauga