Evaluation of Retrofitted Lot Level Stormwater Source Control Practices – Calstone Inc.

Calstone 1Located in Scarborough, Calstone Inc. retrofitted their property in 2015 to include innovate Low Impact Development (LID) features.  After receiving funding from the City of Toronto to install a rainwater harvesting tank and plant a garden, Calstone approached Partners in Project Green’s Water Stewardship Committee.  After securing additional funding the project was scaled up to include other LID features. The site includes a permeable walkway, an infiltration trench, 3 small ponds that provide infiltration and 2 rainwater harvesting cisterns.  The space is not only functional but also provides a beautiful employee green space in an industrial neighbourhood.  The ponds and one cistern were monitored in 2015 to evaluate the performance of the system.  A summary of the findings will be posted when available.

Technical brief (EN)       │       Case Study  (EN)      │       Case Study (FR)


415 Finchdene Sq., Scarborough