University of Guelph, Soil quality below permeable pavement – documented in the Permeable Pavement and Bioretention study

As part of a 3 year study evaluating the effectiveness of permeable pavement and bio-swales under southern Ontario climate conditions a number of older bioretention areas were surveyed to assess the effect that age may have on various aspects of the infiltration practice.  Soil quality was assessed to determine the extent to which road runoff contaminants build up in soils over time.

The Guelph University permeable pavement parking area was constructed in 1994.  The experimental plots were constructed for research focused on investigating the performance of permeable interlocking concrete pavers in comparison to other traditional pavements such as impervious asphalt and concrete.  The pavement condition is generally good though there is some surface slumping likely caused by heavy construction equipment used during building construction over the years.

Webpage       │       Full report       │       Project fact sheet



50 Stone Rd. E., Guelph