Thermal Mitigation of Stormwater Management Pond Outflows Using Geothermal Cooling

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Summary of STEP and SWAMP Study Sites

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Summary of STEP and SWAMP Water Quality Statistics

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Faire en sorte que les infrastructures vertes soient le courant dominant: améliorer la rentabilité des infrastructures vertes d’eaux de ruissellement

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Making Green Infrastructure Mainstream: Improving the business case for green stormwater infrastructure

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Steps for Designing Communal Low Impact Development Stormwater Retrofits (FREE)

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Evaluation of a Thermal Mitigation System on the Heritage at Victoria Square Pond in Markham

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Testing the Feasibility of a Smart Blue Roof System to Improve Stormwater Management in Urban Canadian ICI Neighbourhoods

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Performance Evaluation of a High Rate Treatment Bioretention Filter

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Low Impact Development Infrastructure Performance and Risk Assessment Technical Report – Wychwood Subdivision, Brampton

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