Lake Simcoe Basin Stormwater Management and Retrofit Opportunities

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Estimation of the Phosphorus Loadings to Lake Simcoe

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Assimilative Capacity Studies for the Lake Simcoe Watershed and Nottawasaga River

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Aquatic Plants in Lake Simcoe: Distribution, Environmental Controls and Utility as Ecological Indicators

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Aquatic Macrophyte Survey of Cook’s Bay, Lake Simcoe

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Annual Water Balances and Total Phosphorus Loads to Lake Simcoe: 2010–2011

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Annual Water Balances and Total Phosphorus Loads to Lake Simcoe: 2007–2009

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Advanced Engineered Wetlands Process to Remove Nutrients and Other Contaminants from Wastewaters and Stormwaters in the Lake Simcoe Area: Phase 1 Treatability Testing – Volume 2 Appendices

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Advanced Engineered Wetlands Process to Remove Nutrients and Other Contaminants from Wastewaters and Stormwaters in the Lake Simcoe Area: Volume 1 – Phase 1 Treatability Testing

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Lake Simcoe Phosphorus Offset Program Development to Restore Aquatic Ecosystem Health

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