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In recent years, approaches to urban runoff management have become more holistic. The industry has seen a major shift towards low impact development and green infrastructure – natural and built systems that provide ecological benefits and help maintain pre-development hydrology.

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Practicing effective erosion and sediment control during construction projects is essential to preserving the health of our terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Current approaches focus on preventing erosion, creating multiple barriers to the sediment release from the site, and applying promising new technologies like polymers.

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STEP energy evaluates technologies that help reduce energy related emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants, and prevent smog-related heat build-up in urban areas. Research is focused on leading edge technologies such as alternative heating and cooling, solar, smart grid integration and geothermal.

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The health of soil, vegetation and the lakes and rivers they drain into are intrinsically linked. Recognizing these connections during urban planning and development processes is key to creating functional landscaped areas. STEP carries out research and develops guidance on best practices for maintaining healthy soils.

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