Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Program- Burnhamthorpe

Burnhamthorpe Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Program (SNAP) is a collaborative neighbourhood-scale plan for urban renewal and climate action, supporting watershed and municipal strategies including the City’s Climate Action Plan. The key implementation areas area:
• increasing residential resilience through green actions in homes and towers
• enabling local food production and sharing in apartment towers and across the neighbourhood, and
• creating greener and more vibrant streets over time

2015-2020 pilot programming included depave and raingarden demonstrations, a stormwater retrofit program for single family homes, urban agriculture initiatives at towers and multi-partner, one-window engagement program and on-site demonstration for Multi-Unit Residential Buildings (MURBs) to increase climate resilience through green infrastructure, water and energy retrofits and community co-benefits. Lessons learned from action planning and implementation are being scaled to other City engagement initiatives and future SNAPs.

SNAP Burnhamthorpe website


Fieldgate Dr., Mississauga