MTO Guelph Line commuter parking lot, permeable pavement maintenance test site – documented in Evaluation of Permeable Pavements in Cold Climates

The MTO Guelph Line Commuter parking lot was selected as a field site for evaluating cleaning practices on permeable pavement for the Evaluation of Permeable Pavements in Cold Climates.  It was constructed in 2007 and consisted of a permeable concrete parking lot.

The 3 year study of the performance of different types of permeable pavements at the Living City Campus at Kortright in Vaughan is a research collaboration between STEP and the University of Guelph.  The different cleaning treatments ranged from hand sweeping, low and high suction vacuum, pressure wash, mechanical sweeper, regenerative air and vacuum-sweeping trucks .

Webpage      │       Full report      │       Technical Brief



3119 N Service Rd, Burlington